What is the purpose of this website?

To provide knowledge in a comprehensive way to every reader, hence the name "The Average Learner".

Is it AI-generated content?


I believe in writing high-quality content, that to me means intuitive and personalized writing.

If the original knowledge is digested by a human being, the content output by that person will be much more relatable to others.

Who is the writer?

Only me - Hong Cheung for now, and I wish I could bring in more quality writers.

What is the goal?

Accumulate enough knowledge to put each subject into a separate category.

For example, if this website gathered enough materials about Japanese, there would be a separate Japanese page which provides a thorough guide for learning the language. The same goes to programming, investing, etc.

These pages will not contain only blog posts, they will also provide a list of useful websites, YouTube channels, books and so on.